School: St. Meinrad
Year: Configuration (3rd Theology)
Birthday: January 20th
Hometown: Montgomery, AL
Favorite Saint: St. Padre Pio
Favorite Spiritual Reading: The Power of Silence by Cardinal Sarah or In Sinu Jesu by A Benedictine Monk
Hobbies: Playing football, basketball, golf, fishing, and relaxing outside with my friends
My name is Gaten Armstrong, and I am from Montgomery, Alabama. I have lived in Montgomery since the age of three along with my three older and one younger sister. I attended Our Lady Queen of Mercy and St. Bede for elementary school and Montgomery Catholic Prep for High School in which I graduated in 2015. After high school, I spent two-and-a-half years studying civil engineering at Auburn University. During my free time there, I enjoyed many of the sports I’ve played since my childhood all the way up through high school: baseball, basketball, and football. After deciding to take off to work, I went on a come and see up to St. Meinrad Seminary, and there, I discovered my call and desire for the priesthood. My favorite saint is St. Padre Pio. If I could meet one person who was dead, I would meet Theodore Roosevelt or Robin Williams. My favorite childhood books were The Hardy Boys. My favorite spiritual reading is The Confessions by St. Augustine.