School Saint Meinrad Seminary
Year: Configuration Stage (2nd Theology)
Birthday March 1st
Hometown Mobile, AL
Favorite Saint Pope Saint John Paul II
Favorite Spiritual Reading The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis
Favorite Activities Being with friends and family, going to the beach, volleyball, walking outside, leather working
Hi my name is Edward Charnock, I was born and raised in Midtown Mobile, and I’m entering my third year of college seminary at St. Joseph Seminary College in Covington, LA, which is about an hour North of New Orleans. I’m from St. Dominic Parish and I graduated from McGill-Toolen Catholic High School in 2019. I was in the school band starting in middle school and I joined the marching band when I went to McGill. I play the trombone and the tuba. I was also a member of the bowling team during my Senior year. I first started discerning a call to the priesthood and considering joining the seminary my Senior year of high school. I met some very good friends that got me involved in the Campus Ministry program at McGill, which helped me grow very much in the Catholic faith and I was also introduced to more priests that I began to greatly admire. I started to go to discernment group meetings put on by Fr. Victor Ingalls, but I was still convinced that I would go to Auburn University, which was my dream since I was a child (War Eagle!). However, after I toured Auburn I realized that the Lord was calling me to something else, and He soon helped me realize that I should not ignore the attraction that I had towards the priesthood. The past two years have been fulfilling and I am eager to continue.