Family: 2 sons
Occupation: IT Coordinator, Archdiocese of Mobile
Parish/Church Ministries: Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, Lector, Cantor, Knights of Columbus, RCIA Instructor, Adult Religious Ed Teacher, Parish Council, Youth Ministry
In his words: "Most of my life has revolved around participation in and service to the Church and I feel that God has called me to His service from as early an age as I can remember. I began working as the Youth Minister during my college years, first as an Episcopalian, and then after my conversion, at St. Dominic and served as director of the Office of Youth Ministry’s Yucatan Missions during the same time. Those ministries grew in me a love and passion for serving God’s people, especially the marginalized in society, very early in my adult life. What happened over the course of the next 20 years, leading me to discern the diaconate, has been an incredible journey. The Gospel of Christ is so much about love and service to our fellow man and I have seen myself grow so much over these years as I have strived to serve our Lord in every aspect of life. I have been truly blessed by God in my life with inspiring and supportive family, friends, and people of faith. I am both humbled and excited to be able to serve the people of God in this sacred ministry of service to the Church."