MOBILE — In celebration of Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi’s 75th birthday, principals from Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Mobile delivered a check of more than $8,500 as a birthday gift that will help those in need throughout the archdiocese.
We are saddened to announce that Reverend Albert Kelly, a retired priest of the Archdiocese of Mobile, has passed away at the age of 79 in his native Ireland today, April 25. Fr. Kelly had the honor of being the first pastor at two different parishes during his ministry.
The Eucharist is good in and of itself. Christ nourishes us with His own body and blood. This is true, but I think we often miss a very important aspect of receiving the Eucharist. Namely, we are sent on a mission. We are charged to go forth and bring the Gospel to the world. There is something amiss if we receive the Eucharist and then do not evangelize.
Millones de personas en América del Norte experimentaron recientemente un evento único en la vida, un eclipse total de sol. Cientos de miles de personas de todo el mundo visitaron las diferentes ciudades que se encontraban en el camino de la totalidad, es decir, donde la luna se superpuso al sol completamente, convirtiendo el día en noche por unos minutos.
In his message for the World Day of Prayer for Vocations this year, Pope Francis acknowledges the fact that every vocation — from marriage to consecrated life and priesthood — involves a call from God embracing our entire existence.
The newest Catholic Social Services’ Office in Opelika provided services to 766 households consisting of 1,865 people in its first full year of operation.
MOBILE — St. Ignatius Parish will break ground on a state of the art Early Learning Center Preschool facility on May 23. St. Ignatius anticipates a 12-month build and plans to move into the building for the start of school, August 2025.
MONTGOMERY — St. Peter Catholic Church in downtown Montgomery will celebrates its 190th anniversary on Sunday, April 28 at a 10:30 a.m. Mass celebrated by Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi as celebrant. Fr. Thomas LaPointe, a former Montgomery resident and current parochial vicar at St. Columba Parish in Dothan will serve as homilist.
MOBILE - Con motivo de su 75 cumpleaños, el 27 de marzo, Mons. Thomas J. Rodi, Arzobispo de Mobile, ha presentado su requerida carta de jubilación al Papa Francisco.
The Gospel for Easter Sunday was from St. John’s account of Easter morning (John 20:1–9). We are told that Mary Magdalene arrives at the tomb very early in the morning while it is still dark. She has come to anoint the body of the Lord, which had been buried in haste because of the onset of the Passover. She spies the great stone rolled back and assumes that the body has been stolen. So she runs immediately to Simon Peter and the other disciples: “They have taken the Lord from the tomb, and we don’t know where they put him.” She doesn’t yet believe in the Resurrection, for she is operating still within a conventional framework.
Cuando Adán y Eva decidieron rechazar su relación con Dios, se produjo un cataclismo. Es decir, la creación de Dios fue mancillada y deformada. El enemigo no podía destruir la creación de Dios, sólo podía distorsionarla. El enemigo no tiene poder de creación: sólo Dios puede crear de la nada.
MOBILE — In conjunction with his 75th birthday, on March 27, Most Rev. Thomas J. Rodi, Archbishop of Mobile, has submitted his required retirement letter to Pope Francis. In the Catholic Church, all bishops are required by Church Law to submit a letter of retirement to the Holy Father when they reach their 75th year. Archbishop Rodi remains the chief shepherd of the Archdiocese of Mobile as the resignation letter does not automatically result in immediate retirement.
Jesus is risen! Alleluia! The tomb is empty, and our hearts are full! The Easter season fills us with gratitude, joy and hope. Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, rose from the dead and gave us the greatest of all gifts—eternal salvation.
When Adam and Eve chose to reject their relationship with God, something cataclysmic occurred. Namely, God’s creation was sullied and warped. The enemy could not destroy God’s creation, he could only distort it. The enemy has no powers of creation—only God can create out of nothingness. Jesus redeems all of the enemy’s destruction.