MOBILE — With the Archdiocese of Mobile celebrating “The Year of the Eucharist and the Parish,” this year’s “One Faith One Family” conference will be parish-centered.
Dating back to 1837, Catholic Social Services is the oldest privately licensed child-placing agency in the State of Alabama. Adoption practices have changed dramatically over the past 175 years, but CSS’s commitment to placing children in loving, approved homes, remains the same.
Around the Spring Hill College campus in Mobile, Sister Nelida is well-known and highly respected, though many on the outside may not be aware that the college has a Woman Religious heading the Department of Graduate Theology and Ministry.
Welcome to Holy Week. Of course, if you get your paper on Friday afternoon you will have to wait a couple of days before it is officially so. Holy Week is to Lent as the final two minutes of a basketball game is to the rest of the contest.
On a whim, my wife bought me the Nintendo Switch game, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, for my birthday last month. We have this game in other formats, but combined with our twins’ Christmas gift of their own controllers, we have been playing this game a lot more lately.
La cosecha es abundante, pero los trabajadores son pocos. Rueguen, pues, al dueño de la cosecha que envíe trabajadores a recoger su cosecha. Estas palabras de Jesús recogidas por San Mateo en su evangelio son tan ciertas hoy como lo fueron hace 2000 años. El número de Católicos hispanos es abundante en la Arquidiócesis de Mobile, pero el número de jornaleros, de ministros ordenados que hablen español y que puedan ir a la viña del señor a llevar la palabra, a ofrecer los sacramentos, a acompañar a un pueblo hambriento por escuchar el evangelio en su idioma, es pequeño.
God sent Moses to Pharaoh with the message to let God’s people leave Egypt. When Pharaoh refused, God sent plague after plague upon Egypt, nine in all, but Pharaoh would not allow the Hebrews to leave Egypt. Finally, God sent a tenth plague, the death of the first born in each household. God told Moses that the angel sent to bring destruction would pass-over the homes of the Hebrews if they followed two commandments.
FAIRHOPE — St. Michael Catholic High School’s transformation took another step on Feb. 24 with the dedication and blessing of the new “Rusty Cowles Fieldhouse.”
The Archdiocese of Mobile Office of Permanent Diaconate is holding inquiry sessions beginning in April for men possibly interested in becoming permanent.
When the Lord came down to the top of Mount Sinai, He summoned Moses to the top of the mountain, and Moses went up to Him. Then the Lord spoke to Moses …” Exodus 19:20-21
If it was easy, it wouldn’t take so much practice! We learned at a young age that practice makes perfect, but how does this relate to stewardship and our faith?
Fasting is found throughout the Bible. Many people are not familiar with fasting, but the Bible teaches us to fast. If the Bible teaches us to do something, we should want to do it.