Under the direction of Deacon Gary Vrazel and St. Vincent de Paul Parish, the Maritime Ministry of Mobile (Stella Maris) is accepting donations for Christmas bags for visiting seafarers.
AUBURN — St. Michael Parish in Auburn joined Cross Catholic Outreach to host a food packing event in the parish hall on Nov. 10 and about 129 volunteers packed 40,176 meals to help the hungry in Haiti.
We are like grapes in God’s vineyard. While this year has presented many challenges, Thanksgiving is coming up and what better time to reflect on the many blessings in our life.
l mes de noviembre nos dio la bienvenida con la solemnidad del día de todos los Santos, día en que la Iglesia conmemora y recuerda a aquellos hombres y mujeres a los que, por su ejemplo de vida, su fe y su amor a Dios y al prójimo, Dios les ha concedido la gracia de disfrutar de las bondades de la vida eterna.
I am writing this on October 28th. As I write this, I have no idea who will win the presidential or any other election. As you read this, you will know. But I do know this. Jesus Christ is the Lord of all. In the person of Jesus Christ, God entered into our fallen world.
With four boys, there is a certain level of chaos that exists at my house. Whether it’s wrestling, running, or jumping, there usually seems to be constant activity. Chaos is usually accompanied by mess of some kind – clothes strewn about, an explosion of Pokemon cards, throw pillows literally thrown to the ground.
After more than a year of campaigning and fundraising for the Generations of Faith Endowing our Future with Hope campaign, three charitable trusts were established and funded the week of Oct. 18-25.
With the help of a grant, St. Joseph Parish in Holy Trinity and the Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity will enhance their already admirable service to the poor and underserved.
The new term for the Archdiocese of Mobile’s College of Consultors begins Nov. 12 and if there’s a major decision to be made, those on the College of Consultors will have their voices heard.
This year has brought much suffering into the lives of many. The COVID-19 pandemic and hurricanes are but two ways in which people have experienced pain and sorrow in their lives.