50 Years Ago
Clementine Mullins, Jessyca McCall, Jewel Coleman and James Brown had the leading roles in the play “Mama’s Baby Boy” presented by St. Jude Seniors in Montgomery.
After 123 years, the Brothers of the Scared Heart were no longer able to staff the Catholic Boys Home in Mobile due to the shortage of vocations.
Fr. Daniel Egans, the “Junkie Priest” of New York City, spoke at McGill Institute to the McGill and Bishop Toolen High students about the drug problem.
Thirteen America’s Junior Misses who were Catholic attended Mass at the Cathedral while in Mobile competing in the Junior Miss Contest.
Bishop Toolen High Alumnae gave a tea for the graduating seniors and their mothers. Mrs. Margaret Peters was serving as President. Mrs. Margaret Bullen, assisted by Mrs. Lawrence Ankerson, was in charge of arrangements.
Deborah Hayes was named Valedictorian and Patricia Tellis, Salutatorian at St. Jude High School in Montgomery.
25 Years Ago
Sister Cecilia Harrison, F.M.S., principal of Mother Mary School, Phenix City, was honored by the Boston College Alumni Association with its Award of Excellence in Education for remarkable record of achievement at Mother Mary School.
Author Winston Groom of the bestselling book “Forest Gump” was the featured speaker at Spring Hill College’s graduation. He also received an honorary doctoral degree from the College. Spring Hill College President William J. Rewak, S.J., presided at the 165th commencement and degrees were awarded to 292 students.
Serrans from Mobile and Pensacola met at St. Pius X Parish for the annual Leadership Conference. Archbishop Oscar H. Lipscomb celebrated the Liturgy and Fr. Mark Neske, vocation director for the archdiocese, gave an update on vocations to the priesthood.
Sister Catherine Marie Brady, R.S.M., celebrated her Diamond Jubilee as a Sister of Mercy with Mass at St. Ignatius Catholic Church, Mobile. Sister had served for 60 years.
Archbishop Oscar H. Lipscomb gave the homily at the Mary’s Day Celebration in Mobile. Crowning the Statue of Our Lady was Cassandra Martin of Our Lady of the Gulf Parish, Gulf Shores. A memorial to the victims of abortion was dedicated at the beginning of the Mary’s Day Celebration at the Cathedral. The memorial was made possible by the Knights of Columbus.
Newly elected officers of the Ladies of Charity were: Catherine Cooney, president; Josephine Bronold, first vice president; Mary Bru, second vice president; Jane Mahoney, treasurer; Ekie Hayes, recording secretary; Sue Martin, corresponding secretary; and Jean Lewis, parliamentarian. Msgr. Guido Calleja was chaplain.
New members appointed to the Board of Trustees of Spring Hill College were: Norville “Gus” Smith, Dr. Phillip Madonia, Terry Murphy, Rev. John Payne and Rev. Stephen Campbell. S.J.
—Anne Baggett compiles information for Looking Back from past issues of this newspaper. Anne is a member of St. Mary Parish in Mobile.