50 Years Ago
New officers of the Catholic Men’s Breakfast Club were: Green T. Waggener, president; T. Lee Robinson, vice president; N. Lewis Bodden, secretary; and Allen Duffy, treasurer.
Under the guidance of Fr. Patrick J. Gallagher, the following Girl Scouts Troop 312 received Marian Awards: Ashley Balusco, Barbara Brocato, Ann Chappell, Cindy Cunningham, Mary Impastato, Lynn Imsand, Karen Henricksen, Diana Johnston, Roseanne Lucia and Fran Smith. Mrs. Ralph Caddell was troop leader.
Starring in the Mobile Theater Guild production “Dames at Sea” were Gary Kohler and Kathy Kennedy.
Elected officers of the Blessed Virgin Sodality of St. Patrick Parish, Phenix City were: Mrs. Jerry Youngstom, president; Mrs. Helen Mobley, vice president; Mrs. Jack Miller, secretary; and Mrs. Ruth Rosier, treasurer.
Sister Mary Gabriella Thomas pronounced perpetual vows as an extern Sister of the Visitation.
Preparing for the St. Pius X annual Independence Day celebration were: Wilton Goodman, Mary Beall, Fr. Patrick Nicholson, Jack O’Brien, Riley Copeland, Scooter Eastburn, Patricia Eastburn, Lynn Eastburn, Russ Copeland and John Beall.
Sister Mary James, V.S.C., R.N., Director of St. Jude Practical Nursing, graduated with honors in the Master of Science Program at Troy State University.
Pope Paul VI celebrated his ninth anniversary as pope.
Carolyn Marie Mungenast represented the Montgomery Deanery NCCW in the Miss Patriotism Pageant.
25 Years Ago
Eugene F. Sessa, S.J., was ordained by Archbishop Oscar H. Lipscomb at St. Joseph Chapel on the campus of Spring Hill College. A graduate of Spring Hill College, Sessa was from Homewood, Ill.
St. Ignatius School, Mobile, was selected by the U. S. Department of Education as one of 262 public and private elementary schools nationwide to be designated a Blue Ribbon School for 1996-97. Jan Murray served as principal. This was the second time in 10 years that St. Ignatius School was selected for the honor.
Fr. Russel Biven, serving as pastor at Our Savior Parish, celebrated the 40th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. Archbishop Oscar H. Lipscomb delivered the homily and visiting clergy con-celebrated.
Mrs. Idessa Williams Redden of St. Jude Parish was recipient of the Woman of the Year Award from Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. Mu Chapter, Montgomery, for her outstanding accomplishments in the civic, educational, social and religious projects of the community.
Elected members of the Executive Committee of the Mercy Medical Staff were: William J. Schulte, M.D., president elect; William E. Goetter, M.D., president; Alfred B. Chance Jr., M.D., medical director; Henry H. David, III, M.D., secretary; Robert Powell, medical staff affairs director; and Edward M. Schniter, M.D. and William R. Parsons, M.D., members at large.
More than 300 students walked down Spring Hill College’s Avenue of the Oaks at the school’s 167th graduation. The Toolen Award for highest scholastic achievement was presented to Jenelle Marie McAtee of Mobile and Ilse Guilds Krick of Fairhope. Senior Class Orator was Christopher Kramer of Houston. Ignatian Awards were presented to Natalia Echeverria Fontanals of Miami and Scott Matthew Salathe of Harvey, La.
Outstanding undergraduate students at McGill-Toolen were: LaNae Parker and Anthony O’Connor, juniors; Catherine Baggett and Kevin Manogue, sophomores; and Jennifer Morgan and Daniel Pocase, freshmen.
— Anne Baggett compiles information for Looking Back from past issues of this newspaper. Anne is a member of St. Mary Parish in Mobile.