By Anne Baggett For The Catholic Week 50 Years Ago
Msgr. Oscar H. Lipscomb, Ph.D., chancellor of the Diocese of Mobile, lectured at Spring Hill College on the “Era of the Reformation.”
Fr. Matthew O’Connor was appointed assistant pastor of St. Mary Parish, Mobile.
The Legion of Mary, founded by Pope Pius XI, celebrated its Golden Jubilee.
William Bond of Scout Troop 29, sponsored by Corpus Christi Parish PTA, was awarded the highest rank in scouting, the Eagle. The award was presented to the Junior Assistant Scoutmaster by Msgr. Oscar H. Lipscomb.
Fr. David Tellier was appointed Chaplain of Knights of Columbus Council 4888.
Sister Martha, L.S.P., celebrated her Golden Jubilee.
Officers of the Catholic High Booster Club, Montgomery, were: Jim Brasher, president; Charles McGinty, vice president; and Jack Cammack, secretary/treasurer.
Catholic High senior, Susan Simpson, was selected to the Belk-Hudson Teen Board.
Martin Johnson was named to head the upcoming Catholic Charities drive.
A new CCD Deanery Office was established in Dothan and headed by Sister Mary Kay Baldinger and Sister Joanne Rauckhardt.
Mrs. J. Kenny Crow was elected president of the Mobile District NCCW. Other officers included: Mrs. Joseph Bolton, first vice president; Mrs. John D. Paulk, second vice president; Mrs. Jessner Walstrom, third vice president; Mrs. Harold Logan, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. William McDonough, treasurer.
25 Years Ago
Providence Hospital welcomed Fr. Leo Weishaar as its full-time chaplain.
Habitat for Humanity in Mobile put finishing touches on a completed home in Mobile. Among the volunteers pictured were Pam Vautier and Cathy Terry, members of St. Ignatius “Free Spirit” group who aided in the project. Stephen E. Pryor was a leader of the project.
Catholic Social Services, Montgomery, moved to its newly acquired facility next to Our Lady Queen of Mercy Parish. The combined effort of parishioners from nine parishes worked together to make the renovations and move a reality.
District Marshall Mike Rogers, Executive administrative assistant to the State Deputy Knights of Columbus, was named Sir Knight of the Year.
Catholic School teachers and administrators prepared for more than 7,000 students to begin classes throughout the Archdiocese of Mobile. Sister Mary Ann Barrett, O.P., addressed teachers in both Montgomery and Mobile: “Catholic School Teachers Called to Forgiveness.”
Pictured with Sister Lourdes Sheehan was Little Flower teacher Wendy Holthaus, who was named Valedictorian of the first graduating class of the Alliance for Catholic Education. Commencement ceremonies were held at Notre Dame.
The Rev. James P. Bradley, S.J., was appointed by the Superior General of the Jesuits, Rev. Peter Hans Kolvenbach, S.J., as Provincial Superior of the Society of Jesus in the New Orleans Province which includes Alabama.
Spring Hill College welcomed more than 300 new students to campus orientation in August.
Knights of Columbus Council 666 Grand Knight J. Allen Duffey Jr. presented the Family of the Year Award to Robin and Tony Laurence.
— Anne Baggett compiles information for Looking Back from past issues of this newspaper. Anne is a member of St. Mary Parish in Mobile.