Merry Christmas, again—or I should say, “still.” It is still Christmas until Jan.12 with the Baptism of the Lord. We spent nearly four weeks preparing to celebrate the birth of Jesus, Our Savior. This was necessary so that we could be prepared to love Him more completely. We can give ourselves most completely when we are free from anything holding us back. I certainly find it necessary to detach myself from the things that distract me or cause me to withhold my heart from God. As we continue to celebrate this season of Christmas, we are encouraged to make efforts to become more freed from our attraction and attachment to this world. We are made for union with God. He made us precisely so that we could be united with Him in heaven for all eternity. We don’t exactly fit here, so long as we try to be fulfilled by the created world, we will be setting ourselves up for disappointment. The pleasures of this world are passing. Think back to the best Christmas present you received last year. If you can even remember a particular gift, I would be willing to bet that you can’t remember a gift from two years ago. My point is that the pleasures of this world will never bring us happiness and joy. They will amuse or aid us in some way, but true happiness seems to be found elsewhere. Let us remind ourselves that we are made for union with God. He made us to be with Him, and He intended for us to be completely filled by being with Him. Humanity chose to reject this union and God allowed it. God is giving us His Grace so that we can draw nearer to Him. Our entire life is a preparation for heaven and should be focused on becoming like God so that we can enter into complete union with Him for all eternity. The season of Christmas gives us a bit of a nudge and reminds us that God came to earth to rescue us. This rescue mission came at a very high price. Let’s celebrate the gift of union with God and work to become people worthy of Heaven. — Pat Arensberg is the Director of the Office for Evangelization and Family Life. Email him at [email protected]. For more information concerning the events of this office, visit us at