By The Catholic Week MONTGOMERY — Montgomery Catholic football coach Kirk Johnson, who led the Knights to back-to-back state championships, has resigned and accepted a head coaching position at Benjamin Russell High School. Johnson served four seasons as head coach, amassing a 55-2 record. He is the winningest coach in Montgomery Catholic football history. Prior to taking over as head coach, Johnson served seven years as an assistant. “We would like to thank coach Johnson and his wife Meghan for their years of unwavering support for Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School." Justin Castanza, Montgomery Catholic president, said. "I am so pleased for Kirk to have this opportunity to take the next step in his career after spending the majority of his coaching career learning and growing at MCPS. I am thankful for the years of dedication and service to the players, coaches and families at Montgomery Catholic and wish him the absolute best in his new position." On news of the coaching change, Montgomery Catholic Athletic Director Daniel Veres added, "I would like to thank Coach Johnson for all of his blood, sweat and tears over the last 11 years here at Montgomery Catholic. His dedication and commitment to elevating our program to heights, before unimagined, is astonishing. To leave here the winningest coach in our program's history after only four years as head coach is a staggering thought. He is an elite coach, a great friend and I will miss seeing him on a daily basis. I wish Coach J, Meghan and Knox nothing but the best–Go be great, young man!”