50 Years Ago
Clergy appointments included: Rev. Wilbur T. Kissell, assistant pastor of Corpus Christi Parish, Mobile; Rev. Hugh N. Maguire, pastor of St. Martin of Tours Parish, Troy; Rev. Kenneth Klepac, assistant pastor of St. Matthew Parish, Mobile; Rev. Joseph Carney, assistant pastor, St. Mary Parish, Mobile; Rev. Gordon T. Milsted, assistant pastor, Our Lady Queen of Mercy Parish, Montgomery; and Rev, David Tellier, assistant pastor, Little Flower Parish, Mobile.
Dr. Thomas Murphy, president of St. Bede PTA in Montgomery, appointed Vic Lucido as chairman of Dinner-Dance, a social affair for parishioners.
Joseph Langan was one of the featured speakers at the Holy Name Jamboree held at McGill Institute. District President Herbert Noletto presided at the meeting.
More than 300 orphans, handicapped and exceptional children were entertained by Knights of Columbus #3565 with Peter Whelan serving as chairman.
“The Springhillian,” weekly student newspaper at Spring Hill College, Mobile, won “All-American” Rating for the first time in its 47-year history.
Bishop John L. May established a Budget and Allocation Committee for the Catholic Charities Program. Edward P. Clark of Montgomery was named chairman assisted by Marion F. Wilkins, Mobile and John Conn, Dothan.
25 Years Ago
Dr. Thomas L. Doyle, president of Montgomery Catholic High, was one of seven persons honored by the National Catholic Education Association with its annual Secondary Schools Department Award and Frank Webber, director of religious education at Holy Spirit Parish, Montgomery, was one of six persons receiving the 1995 Excellence in Religious Education Award at the National Association of Parish Coordinators and Directors of Religious Educators.
Selected as McGill-Toolen cheerleaders for the 1995-96 school year were: Natalie Bailey, Tiffany Bell, Anna Bender, Brooke Braswell, Kendra Caton, Leah Cooke, Lacey Elder, Katherine Grant, Shannon Grogan, Jocelyn Howze, Erin Nelson and Aimee Ward. Mascots were: Maggie Bagwell, Carolyn Collier, Shannon Crane, Jamie McClure and Susan Saint.
Jenelle McAtee, a Spring Hill College junior from Mobile, was selected as one of 285 students across the nation for the prestigious Goldwater Scholarship.
At ceremonies at Notre Dame Seminary New Orleans, Most Rev. Edward J. O’Donnell, D.D., Bishop of Lafayette, Louisiana, admitted to Candidacy for Holy Orders Ernest Reinecke Hyndman, Jr., a seminarian studying for the Archdiocese of Mobile.
Over 348 altar servers were honored by Knights of Columbus Council 666. Chairman of the event was James Patrick and guest speaker was Judge Lionel W. Noonan.
Archbishop Oscar H. Lipscomb dedicated a prayer garden and a monument to the unborn at St. John the Baptist Parish, Montgomery.
The Spring Hill College Rugby Club Team won the Deep South Rugby title at Battleship Memorial Park.
—Anne Baggett compiles information for Looking Back from past issues of this newspaper. Anne is a member of St. Mary Parish in Mobile.