Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,
The Archdiocese of Mobile is blessed with a rich history. For more than 300 years, many generations of Catholics have been raised in our parish communities where faith is taught, celebrated and lived.
As your Archbishop, I am very hopeful for the future of our Church. We have faithful young men open to following Christ to serve us as priests. We have laity who are increasingly energized and engaging in the life of the Church. There is a hunger for Scripture among our people and an understanding that being a Catholic must affect every aspect of one’s life. This is great news and something to be excited about! It is my hope that generations to come will know and experience the Lord through the sacraments, the Gospel, and one another, as we do today.
The Generations of Faith – Endowing Our Future with Hope campaign is in response to many years of reflection, research, consultation, and prayerful planning. Every family experiences the need to plan and prepare for the future; this is also true with our faith family here in the Archdiocese of Mobile.
This campaign is not about building new churches or buildings; instead, it is about ensuring we have the resources to continue building up the faith among our family for generations to come. Today, I ask each of you to join in this historic archdiocesan-wide campaign by making a commitment in our generation to secure a bright future for the Archdiocese of Mobile.
Sincerely in the Lord,
Most Reverend Thomas J. Rodi,
Archbishop of Mobile
“The community that we enjoy today in the Archdiocese of Mobile did not happen by accident. It happened because of the people who cared deeply about sharing their Catholic faith so it could live on for generations to come.”
-Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi
O Loving and Gracious God,
by our holy baptism, faith is Your precious gift to us.
For this gift to thrive, faith must be lived and shared
with each generation.
Through our support of this campaign,
we will say “thank you” to our beloved retired priests
who, over the years, have drawn us closer to You;
we will help our seminarians as they prepare to be our future priests;
we will support our young people
as they discover the beauty of the Catholic faith;
and we will strengthen our parishes
as beacons of mercy and love.
In this way, we will indeed endow our future with hope.
We ask Our Lady’s intercession for a successful campaign
to the honor and glory of You,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Oh Dios de Amor y Gracia, por nuestro santo bautismo, Tu precioso regalo para nosotros es la fe.
Para que este regalo prospere, la fe debe ser vivida y compartida
con cada generación.
A través de nuestro apoyo a esta campaña,
le diremos “gracias” a nuestros queridos sacerdotes retirados,
quienes a través de los años nos han acercado a Ti;
ayudaremos a nuestros seminaristas mientras se preparan a ser nuestros futuros sacerdotes;
apoyaremos a nuestros jóvenes
a descubrir la belleza de nuestra fe Católica;
y fortaleceremos nuestras parroquias
como faroles de misericordia y amor.
De esta forma, seguramente vamos a conferir nuestro futuro con esperanza.
Le pedimos la intercesión a Nuestra Señora por una campaña
exitosa para el honor y la gloria de Ti,
Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo. Amén.