We are on the cusp of Lent. Many of our conversations will go something like this, “What are you giving up for Lent?” It is a great question and a good start to observing Lent. But let’s not forget that the Church invites us to focus on three areas in our lives; prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Our Lenten devotions or practice should include all three of these.
I find in my life that it is very easy to confuse the means with the ends. In other words, I can start to focus on how I do something to the extent that I almost forget why I am doing it. An athlete may work out so that she can better perform in her next competition. The workouts are a means to get to the end which is a better performance. But what happens if that athlete becomes more obsessed with the workout and becomes less interested in the improved performance. We would say that they have confused the means for the end.
I think we can fall into that same trap with our Lenten observance. We become very focused on what we are giving up, and what extra things we will do in our prayer life. Hopefully, we will also then focus on being more generous with those who have less than us. But let us never forget that prayer, fasting and almsgiving are the means to the end. What is the end of Lent?
Easter. Easter awaits at the end of our Lenten journey. All that we do during Lent is the means to the end of preparing our hearts to encounter the Risen Lord. We live in this world, but we are made for heaven. This earthly life is a temporary state, but it is so easy for our hearts to become attached to this created world and leave us no room to love the Creator. We pray and fast so that our hearts will become more free to encounter Him. We give alms so that we can practice seeing Him in our brothers and sisters.
Too many times I have “done” a good Lent, but did not focus on why I was doing it. Please Lord, let me prepare my heart to encounter You!
— Pat Arensberg is the Director of the Office for Evangelization and Family Life. Email him at [email protected] For more information concerning the events of this office, visit us at mobilefaithformation.org