After more than a year of campaigning and fundraising for the Generations of Faith Endowing our Future with Hope campaign, three charitable trusts were established and funded the week of Oct. 18-25.
* The Generations of Faith Sick and Retired Priest Charitable Trust
* The Generations of Faith Seminarian Formation Charitable Trust
* The Generations of Faith Youth Ministry Charitable Trust
The goal of the campaign is $30 million and pledges reaching that number were recently met, although the campaign continues. While 80 percent of the goal will fund the 3 trusts, the remaining 20 percent goes to directly strengthen our parishes. See Page 20 for an updated list of campaign pledges.
Fully funding each endowment will generate annual income forever. Donors' gifts will be invested and the money made from the investment is used to grow each endowment and provide annual distributions for the intended purpose. Endowments are protected and can only be used for the mission. Only the gains will ever be used.
Fully funded, the seminarian and priests' retirement endowments will be $9 million each and are expected to generate approximately $450,000 annually from the investment gains. A fully funded youth ministry endowment of $3.9 million is expected to generate about $195,000 annually from the investment gains.
Each trust's Board of Trustees will oversee the administration of the funds. The trustees were appointed by the Presbyteral Council, the Archdiocesan Finance Council and one member of each board appointed by Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi. At their first meeting, each of the boards of trustees decided to invest the funds in the Catholic Foundation, where it will be invested according to our values as Catholics.
It’s an exciting time for our archdiocese. Thank you for your incredible generosity to this historic effort.
* The Generations of Faith Sick and Retired Priests Board of Trustees: John David Barranco, Michael L. Cumpton, Deacon Ron Martin; David Nichols, Drew Williams.
* The Generations of Faith Seminarian Formation Board of Trustees: Fr. Christopher Boutin, Chuck DiLaura, Shelly Mahoney, Anthony Stiell, Fr. Alejandro Valladares.
* The Generations of Faith Youth Ministry Board of Trustees: Deacon Wiley Christian, Todd Sylvester, Joseph A. Mareno, Steven P. Lafreniere, Fr. Stephen Vrazel, Bernardo DeFaria, Melinda Seiter.