Courtesy of Mercy LIFE of Alabama Imagine one's mother suffering a stroke and unable to return to her prior functioning. One develops a plan to meet her needs, but it’s overwhelming. Will one have to move in with mom or quit a job to care for her? Friends suggest it would be easier to place mom in a nursing home. Help!
This scenario plays out every day like for Maria* who prayed for a way to keep her mom safe at home. She found this through Mercy LIFE of Alabama and wants everyone to know.
“My mom’s journey with Mercy LIFE was a blessing to our family from the beginning," Maria said. "Mom was a vibrant woman, then suffered a major stroke in 2012. We knew she could not live by herself. I remembered her request years ago to never be put in a nursing home. My thoughts immediately went to God’s command to 'Honor thy father and thy mother' (Exodus 20:12).
“We discussed the situation as a family, but couldn’t decide which direction to go. Seeking God’s heart on this question hadn’t occurred to me. I was busy thinking of places that would meet our desires, forgetting God not only calls and provides … He also directs.
“After calling several agencies who could not meet our needs, my last call was to Mercy LIFE, a program of all-inclusive care for the elderly with no out of pocket costs. After speaking with the Enrollment Director, I knew God had directed mom’s care to Mercy LIFE. Almost immediately, Mom realized the medical support would be beneficial. She most cherished the spiritual community and the relationships she developed. Chapel was the most important component of her day at the day center. We know the attention she received contributed to her quality of life. Mercy LIFE was a gift from God that kept giving until Mom was called home. Our family cannot express how thankful we are that this organization was such an enormous impact on our lives and our Mom.”
* To protect confidentiality, the name of caregiver was changed. For more information Mercy LIFE, call Enrollment Director Gemma Campbell at 251-287-8427.