50 Years Ago Dr. Robert K. Leigh, Ed.D, College of Education, University of Alabama, spoke on “Why Test” to the Montgomery area Catholic elementary school teachers.
Holy Family Parish CYO presented a night of laughter called “Kicks, Komedy, Kartoon and Kapers.”
Joe Fields, Michael Miller, Bobby Churchwell and David Barranco, Catholic High seniors, were nominated for the annual Jimmy Hitchcock Memorial Award.
Elected officers of Catholic High Student Council were: Allen Stroh, president; Maureen Paden, vice president; and Sue Monganist, secretary/treasurer.
About 40 children received First Communion at St. Monica Church, Mobile.
St. Catherine’s Honor Choir, under the direction of Mrs. Mary C. Kaemmer and organist Mr. Richard De Neefe, received top honors in statewide competition in Tuscaloosa.
Fr. Hiliary Dreaper, O. S. B., celebrated his 25th anniversary of ordination.
Winners of the 1972 Field Day Competition were: St. Dominic School AAA Division; Most Pure Heart of Mary School AA Division; and St. Matthew School A Division.
Officers of the Ladies of Charity were: Mrs. Harold Doody, president; Mrs. Frank Baxley, first vice president; Mrs. A. Hays Zieman, second vice president; Mrs. John D. Paulk, treasurer; Mrs. T. P. McArdle, corresponding secretary; Mrs. A. J. Amos, Auditor; Mrs. Joseph M. Bolton, recording secretary; Mrs. H. W. Andrews, historian; and Mrs. Harold H. Dawson, parliamentarian.
25 Years Ago The Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, invited the church to “step back from the busyness of life and make a pilgrimage” to the Third Millennium and Jubilee Year 2000.
Chairing the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women’s annual card party, luncheon and fashion show at the Little Sisters of the Poor auditorium was Beth Bush, with Ginny Wilkins assisting as co-chair.
Members of the Knights of Columbus Council #10731, St. Joseph Catholic Parish, Prattville, presented a check for $1,684.92 to the Louise M. Smith Center from the organization’s funds raised at the annual Tootsie Roll Drive. Bob Pavolini was chairman of the drive and Abner Straughan was Grand Knight.
Eleven members of St. Jude Parish were confirmed by Archbishop Oscar H. Lipscomb. The class was prepared by Sr. Francis Assisi Pielmeir, CSA, and Fr. Matthew Sindik served as pastor.
Idrion Reed was named MVP of varsity boys basketball and Jennifer Harris was MVP for girls varsity basketball at the Montgomery Catholic High School Booster Club picnic honoring winter athletics.
William P. Saucier, student at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary for the Archdiocese of Mobile, was received as a candidate for the sacred order of deacon.
Sister Genevieve Poirer, CSJ, died in Maine. Sister Genevieve served as administrator of St. Joseph Child Care Center in Auburn from 1981 to 1989.
Students from the Archdiocese of Mobile who qualified for the state geography bee in Florence were: Josh Titford, Christ the King; Judson Hurlbert, Little Flower; August Emile Noll, St. Ignatius; and Michael Papa, St. Pius X.
— Anne Baggett compiles information for Looking Back from past issues of this newspaper. Anne is a member of St. Mary Parish in Mobile.