50 Years Members of the Parochial League All-Star team were: Tom Powers, Terry Strong, Frank Rawlins, Jeffery Zoghby, Mike Taylor, Dominic Lyons, Lauren Thompson, Benton Betbeze, John Monsanto, Frank Crane, Ricky Petro, Lenny Zanghi, P.J. Hansen., Greg Crabtree, Ed Downey, Derrick Merriweather, David Mayhall, Fred Rouse, John Holmon, Lee Berry, Mike Thornton, Bill Hanzlik, Larry Bobinger, David Browning and David Miller.
Fr. James Zoghby was ordained in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.
Fr. Sean O’Connor who served in several parishes in the Diocese of Mobile died in Birmingham.
Named outstanding players in the 24th annual Toy Bowl were Dominic Lyons and Frank Crane. Banquet speaker for the Toy Bowl was Coach Eddie Stanky.
Dr. Peyton R. Tunstall was elected president of the Providence Hospital Medical Staff.
25 Years Archbishop Oscar H. Lipscomb announced the arrival of the Advent Season in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception as he blessed the Advent wreath. The beginning of this season launched the preparation for the third millennium of Christianity, the Great Jubilee Year 2000.
Archbishop Oscar H. Lipscomb, Msgr. Kevin Duignan and the Revs. Patrick Maher, Matthew Sindik, Michael Kelly, Manual Williams, David Carruci and Albert Kelly participated with about 200 attendees in the dedication of the recently acquired facility as the new home for Catholic Social Services in Montgomery.
The Knights of St. Peter Claver and the Ladies Auxiliary of Council and Court #148 celebrated Founders Day with Mass at St. Jude Church. Fr. Matthew Sindik, pastor and Director of the City of St. Jude was celebrant.
Knights of Columbus Council 666 honored members of the McGill-Toolen Cross Country team with an awards breakfast. Coach of the team was Angelo Harris.
Mr. Jack Galassini of St. Bede Parish, Montgomery, was named Archdiocesan Chairperson of the 1997 Catholic Charities Appeal by Fr. Bill Skoneki, director.
Fr. Joseph Cecil Gill who served in the Diocese of Mobile and the Archdiocese of Mobile for 41 years died at home. Fr. Gill was from County Galway, Ireland.
Parish Advocates in Ministry with Persons with Disabilities gathered at the Bay home of Margaret Stein for a day of reflection and sharing. Fr. Jim Dane led the retreat and spoke on the theme “Strength and Courage.”
Spring Hill College’s Director of Student Development Elbert LaLande retired after 23 years of service.
The 49th annual Toy Bowl was reigned over by Princess Corrine Knight escorted by Gaines Johnston of Corpus Christi Catholic School and Queen Anna McCown, escorted by Tripp Meador of St. Ignatius Catholic School. The 158 member court was the largest in Toy Bowl history at this time.
— Anne Baggett compiles information for Looking Back from past issues of this newspaper. Anne is a member of St. Mary Parish in Mobile.