50 Years Ago
Rev. William B. Friend was named Vicar for Education and Superintendent of Schools for the Diocese of Mobile.
Members of the Legion of Mary, Mobile, celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the organization’s founding. Officers were: Mrs. Mary Ostini, president; Mrs. Bertha Gilbert, vice president; Mrs. Margaret Bobe, secretary; Mrs. Mary Frances Donovan, treasurer; and Msgr. David Sullivan, spiritual director.
The first meeting of the newly unified McGill-Toolen PTA was held at Portier Center. Officers were: Gerald W. Burke, president; Tom Gengo and Clarence Keller, vice presidents; Mrs. Joanne Leon, recording secretary; Mrs. Mariam Nonnemacher, corresponding secretary; and Ira Wells, treasurer.
The St. Jude Pirates, led by Ed Coleman, Jeff Underwood and Steve Shelton, edged Druid 7-6.
A Steering Committee for the St. Bede Parish Council was elected” Carl Barranco, president; Jack Galessini and Marice Taylor, vice presidents; Tom Azar, treasurer; and Rosemarie Leatherwood, secretary.
Junior Dorothy M. Chatom was named Outstanding Nursing Student at St. Margaret’s.
McGill Debaters were: Tommy Lyons, David Nelson, Freddy Kilborn and Robert McDonald.
Representing McGill-Toolen in the Azalea Trail were: Shellie Finnorn, Rebecca Cash, Cheryle Smith, Mary Jo Brown and Marian Diemert.
St. Philip’s Parish Council Officers, Belle Fountaine were: Anthony R. Ewest, president; Ethelyn S. Crabtree, vice president; Dianne M. Vulevich, secretary; Robert C. Cooper, Thomas S. Inston and Brenda C. McCardle, members.
25 Years Ago
Preparations underway for the Christ the King Celebration included a youth rally and a contemporary Christian music concert on Saturday night at the Saenger Theater featuring nationally known motivational speaker Doug Stewart and award winning musician Rich Mullins in Cathedral Square.
Fr. Oliver Adams, Pastor of St. Catherine Parish and Chaplain for the Mobile Fire Department, was celebrant for Mass for the Annual Religious Observance for the Mobile Fire Department.
Sister Gloria Fox, C.R., was honored by the Alabama Senior Citizens Hall of Fame Commission as recipient of the 1996 Golden Eagle Religious award for her work with Montgomery’s senior citizens.
New Officers of the Mobile District ACCW were: Jo Ann Ryan, president; Beth Bush, first vice president; Betty Russell, second vice president; Betty Smith, third vice president; Rosemary Harrison, recording secretary; treasurer; Carolyn Randoll, corresponding secretary; Luberta W. Portis, treasurer; Josie Spoo, historian; and Ginny Wilkins, parliamentarian.
Joseph Walker, Tony Donatelli and Daniel Johnston were named National Merit Semifinalists at Montgomery Catholic High.
Spring Hill College President Fr. William J. Rewak, S.J., announced his pending retirement. Fr. Rewak had been president of the State of Alabama’s oldest four year institution of higher learning for eight years.
Sister Mary Gerald, M.S.B.T., retired from her position as director of the Mobile Area of Catholic Social Services. She had held the position since 1988.
The 1996 Toy Bowl kicked off the campaign with Jim Nonnemacher serving as chairman. Paul Crane was CYO director.
Queen of the 1996 McGill-Toolen Homecoming Court was Ashli Jackson. Other court members were Linsey Andrews, Raegan Matherne, Andrea Lamendola, Jackie McCarthy, Natalie Covert, Tierney Eaton, Lisa Johnston, Tori Clear, Gia Kimbrough and Teresa White.
— Anne Baggett compiles information for Looking Back from past issues of this newspaper. Anne is a member of St. Mary Parish in Mobile.