When Adam and Eve chose to reject their relationship with God, something cataclysmic occurred. Namely, God’s creation was sullied and warped. The enemy could not destroy God’s creation, he could only distort it. The enemy has no powers of creation—only God can create out of nothingness.
Jesus redeems all of the enemy’s destruction. He turned the ignominy of the cross into a symbol of hope and liberation. Jesus does not so much destroy death or anything else, as He does transform it into its original design. By taking on human flesh, He redeems it. By embracing death, He takes away its sting and turns it into our passage to the Kingdom of God.
O happy fault! Humanity derailed God’s original plan for us and in His infinite mercy God takes on our humanity so that He could die for our sins. In and of Himself God could not die. In and of ourselves we could not defeat death. Jesus takes on our human nature so that He could defeat death—a man defeated death! Since we have defeated death, it no longer controls us.
This is the Easter message. We have conquered sin and death in the person of Jesus Christ. All we must do is to unite ourselves to Him, our victorious King! We don’t have to win the victory, it is already won. Easter is the exclamation point of our redemption.
This is worth celebrating! I think we all get pretty excited about Christmas, and rightly so. The events of Easter are what make Christmas worth celebrating. The Church helps to remind us of how important Easter is by asking us to celebrate this great feast for 50 days (Lent is only about 40 days).
Let's celebrate this Easter!
— Pat Arensberg is the Director of the Office for Evangelization and Family Life. Email him at [email protected] For more information concerning the events of this office, visit us at mobilefaithformation.org